
NOT TOO YOUNG Swiss Soul Weekender 2020

6. bis 8. März 2020 in Luzern

Bald schon feiern wir bereits die 9. Runde von NTY! Vom 6. bis 8. März 2020 strömen sie wieder nach Luzern, die Music Lovers. 


We have good and bad news for you regarding the corona virus situation. The canton of Lucerne has imposed conditions on us so that we can fortunately carry out the event. That’s the good news.

The bad news is: Unfortunately, one of the requirements is that people from Italy are not allowed to participate in the event. This includes visitors who have stayed in the affected areas of Northern Italy in the past 14 days and are travelling via Northern Italy to Switzerland.

Important note: there is no travel ban for people from Northern Italy. The Radisson also continues to receive guests. But at our event we unfortunately have to disappoint our Italian friends.

We are very, very sorry, friends. NTY without La Famiglia is not the same. But our hands are tied. However, there is nothing we can do. We have to accept and support the decision of the authorities. After all, it's about the health of the people involved. We hope for your understanding.

If you decide not to come, you can cancel the hotel reservation at the Radisson free of charge until Tuesday, March 3rd. Regarding train tickets, please contact the tour operator. It will also be possible for you to get your money back.

Again, we are heartbroken! But there will be other opportunities. We won’t miss another chance to invite you again, hug’n kiss and share magical musical moments with you. Ti vogliamo bene! 

We wish you all the best. And we will be still crossing our fingers so that corona won’t escalate. Stay healthy, people!

Much Love 
your NTY Crew
Emel, Henning & Cristina